A discipline refers to a system of rules of conduct or method of practice. In the architectural field, a disciplinary design team can develop designs that satisfy the needs and demands of all concerned. It was very difficult In the past when data were not exchangeable between different systems, but as buildings became more complex like the emergence of high rise and underground structures there became a need for establishing design teams so as to relief the burden of having just one person assigned to a project. Good teamwork in collaborative design produces good quality work as well as a having to generally reduce the cost. I seems therefore a good idea for stake holders to design the concept together from the start so that they can acknowledge their specialized knowledge into a project to prevent the design from starting on the wrong foot. A basic team consists of an architect, a structural advisor, an installation advisor and a cost advisor, all of which are experienced in practice. The fabrication of our project requires a similar collaborative system, dividing roles amongst ourselves in order to achieve the best possible outcome. We had sessions discussing our areas of expertise and we were then able to assign one another with specific tasks. These sessions were held not only in group meeting but also by other communicative mediums that we have chosen, such as MSN and email, and as far as I know we are going to set up a forum later on. Even though sometimes we are not exactly sure of what to do but we can support and back up each other’s weaknesses with our own knowledge via these communicative mediums. As everyone’s not familiar with the new software (UT3) we might organize sometime to work it out together later. I took on the role to model the building in 3DMax not that I am good at it but its probably the only software I can use for now, and it would by all means reduce time and effort in going through tutorials of other software. We have divided the task into eleven streams, with everyone having a similar workload. The diagram below shows how we have divided the tasks.

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