Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Generally architecture students have to have an ability to solve a problem in an appropriate design context. Our task is to place a computer generated model into the UT3 program which I think becomes the context to our problem having to design for internal and external architectural environments. We have to consider the space in which it will reside, the lighting, other surrounding organic or inorganic objects and the surrounding landscape. We are to construct and display knowledge and learning experience using contextual learning resources and tutorials in the 3D virtual environment. Context and experience closely relate to one another, and structures cannot be perceived as independent aesthetic entities but rather they must harmonize with their built and natural surroundings as part of the virtual building environment.

Context becomes important in the architectural field as architects are not only responsible for the buildings and structures they design, but also for the environment.

Paralleling to the relationships between building construction and architectural form and space, there should be a relationship drawn between architecture and its cultural context as well, where buildings are not isolated objects, but are anchored in and shaped by their physical and cultural contexts.

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